Theatricalization: 7 Techniques to sell more in supermarkets | Sidely

Dramatization: 7 techniques to sell more in supermarkets

Margot Bonhomme
November 8, 2023 - 6 min reading

If there is one subject that interests all brands that distribute in supermarkets, it is the increase in sales! At the heart of this ambition is dramatization, a method that can bear fruit, provided that you master its theory and practice.

Today, Sidely tells you all about this essential technique for the performance of brands in mass distribution.

Theatricalization: definition

The dramatization of a point of sale is an immersive and sensory marketing technique that allows the staging of the sales space. In the case of brands, it consists of setting up a customer experience in a space allocated by the partner store.

Theatricalization at the point of sale is a delicate art that, when mastered, creates an emotional connection with the customer, differentiates the brand in a saturated competitive universe and, ultimately, boosts sales performance.

A fundamental merchandising technique, theatricality relies on your customers' five senses, with the aim of creating a favourable climate for purchases. More concretely, dramatization consists of setting up your POS, ILV, commercial animations, etc. at your partner stores.

The involvement of the five senses in theatricality

Theatricalization involves the use of the five senses, some of which are used more than others, such as sight or hearing. 

  • Sight: Eyesight is called upon as soon as you enter: product arrangements, promotional displays, advertising messages, etc.
  • Hearing: On an auditory level, the store's soundtrack, whether it's a carefully chosen ambient melody or a recurring advertising jingle, weaves a background sound that reinforces the attractiveness of current special offers.
  • Smell: Smell helps create an immersive experience. Let's take the evocative example of a bakery: the smell of warm bread wafting through the air is an almost irresistible invitation to enter and discover the products.
  • Taste: Taste is obviously involved when customers are asked to savor samples, directly validating the quality of what is being offered.
  • Touch: Touch is more related to the product's packaging, which invites interaction, like a bottle of vodka wrapped in faux fur or covered in leather. 

In general, when a customer enters a supermarket, their shopping journey will appeal to their five senses, going through several stages. The first stage is often related to hearing or sight. But dramatization also means mood factors, and that's what we're going to see now.

Mood factors in supermarkets

Mood factors are meant to grab the customer's attention and make your products stand out. In this way, they help to improve the consumer's shopping experience, which in turn drives sales. It is thanks to the ambience factors that you can create the atmosphere in the dramatised area.

Taking into account environmental factors is decisive in the choice of your POS display:

  • Design: opt for good materials for your furniture and quality lighting;
  • Colors: they must be attractive and consistent with your brand;
  • Product layout: your goal is to make them stand out;
  • Sensory factors: Stimulation of the senses – sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste – will emotionally affect the consumer.

These elements allow for a multi-sensory experience. As you can see, the goal is to make a splash, because wonder is conducive to buying!

We will now be able to get to the heart of the matter.

7 techniques for successful theatrical actions

Are you wondering what levers to use to increase the sales of your products?

Here are 7 techniques that your brand won't be able to do without!

1) Opt for an original POS display

If you distribute your products in supermarkets, you know that it is complicated to stand out from the competition! Indeed, the consumer is very solicited by all offers and advertisements when shopping in store. It is therefore necessary to bet on originality, and to stand out from the crowd with less common and more playful media.

For example, if you're selling a new line of skin care products, you could set up an interactive POS display with sensors that analyze customers' skin type and recommend the most suitable product in your range. This not only attracts attention with its originality, but also provides added value to the customer, while highlighting your products in a unique way.

Your customer will be more attracted when they see an interactive terminal, or an olfactory POS, i.e. systems that they are less used to seeing than a basic kakemono. 

2) Commercial events

By creating a booth with one of your presenters, you can promote a new product and arouse the desire to buy it. Obviously, it's also worth a product that you'd like to rediscover. As consumers are often reluctant to change, this support will give a good boost to your sales!

Let's remember that the basis of animation is experiential marketing, which acts on your customer's emotions:

  • Taste: If you want to introduce a new flavour to your product range, let them taste it and take note of consumer reviews; 
  • Sense of smell: in cosmetics, your facilitator can have the different scents of your product tested;
  • View: if you are presenting the new packaging of a well-known product;
  • Hearing: make the right choice of facilitator. That's right, the voice counts! His attitude will also have to attract prospects to his stand, with a smiling and persuasive speech;
  • Touch: the prospect can ensure the quality of a product, while testing it.

All these remarks make it possible to insist on the presence of a facilitator in order to humanize the relationship between your brand and its consumers.

For example, if you are a wine producer, a wine fair is the perfect opportunity to present your winemaker, who is inexhaustible about your product, which he talks about with passion. By allowing customers to taste the wine, learn more about its history and how it's made, and have a full sensory experience, you create a memorable moment that will not only result in immediate sales, but also a long-term connection with the brand. The consumer will no longer buy "wine", but "his" wine.

3) Competitions

It's a classic! Contests are a great way to attract new customers or retain old ones. The hope of winning gets your customer's adrenaline pumping. The latter is aware that the more they buy the product in question, the more likely they will be to win.

Let's say you're a chocolate brand. You can set up a competition where customers who buy a product from your range can enter a draw to win a trip to an exotic destination where cocoa is grown. Not only does this create excitement around your product, but it also gives customers an additional reason to buy your chocolate over a competitor's.

At the same time, you have a way to collect information about your target: emails, profession, location, etc. And all you have to do is use them to consolidate your marketing plan!

successful retail promotions

4) Setting up a shop-in-shop / corner shop

Shop-in-shop, or store-within-a-store, consists of setting up an area to present your brand in a supermarket.

The layout of your dramatised shop-in-shop allows you to set up a set, a bit like a theatre. This creates storytelling around your brand or product, which will interest - and then convince - your customer. This dramatization of the offer brings increased visibility to your brand.

Many major supermarket brands have even tried their hand at it, such as Decathlon at Auchan, Hema at Groupe Casino and Darty at Carrefour. 

5) Possibility of customization of the product

Thanks to the personalization of the product, your customer becomes an actor in the staging. This enriches their shopping experience. They feel valued and feel like they have a unique product. He will also tend to talk about it around him. Finally, the possibility of buying a personalized item in the moment encourages impulse buying.

Everyone remembers the cans of Coca Cola with their name on them, or the jars of Nutella with a message. On the other hand, some products do not lend themselves to personalization. Who would want a garbage bag with their image?

6) Periods conducive to dramatization

The punctual dramatization will be based on the various events that will punctuate the year: Rugby or Football World Cup, back to school, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc.

Your POS display must adapt to these events by responding to the consumer's state of mind at the time, in order to attract their attention.

For example, Christmas is a great time to create a positive customer experience. A POS display based on the magic of the holidays and their folklore will create a magical and friendly atmosphere. Be careful, however, you are not alone in thinking about it: be prepared for increased competition for consumer attention!

7) Setting up original offers

With consumers' purchasing power declining, consumers are still receptive to bargains. The POS display must be eye-catching with special offers such as: "at cost price" (however prohibited on food products since EGalim 3), "sale in batches", "gift vouchers", etc.

This can be completed by setting up goodies or promotional items. Flocked with your brand's colors, they can become your best ambassadors. And the more original and sustainable they are, the more people they will reach in the long term!

Measure the effectiveness of your theatrical actions

If your theatricality requires a solid strategy, tracking the resulting performance is a must. Their evaluation makes it possible to rectify the situation in the event that the results are not there. In addition, the reporting will be used to measure the return on investment of your theatrical actions.

That's why it's important to visit the site to make sure your recommendations have been followed. Remember, your goal is to keep the consumer with your brand's displays for as long as possible. You must therefore make sure that the dramatization is in line with your specifications, so that you can correctly interpret the sales indicators.

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