Optimized sales route planning

Plan and optimize your sales rounds in just a few clicks

Save an hour a day on planning your sales activities and tours, thanks to our bulk task creation features and our tour planner and optimizer.

Discover the solution
commercial tour planner

Increase your sales force's selling time

Sidely is designed to save you time. Plan your strategy with ease: your sector managers can simply use the views and tags previously created and saved for them.

Use tags and statuses to effectively categorize your database, and more easily determine priority outlets.

Determine your sales front,
segmenting your outlets by status, and achieve your sales targets by focusing your efforts on important customers. Sidely lets you personalize your sales approach and understand the priority of each contact by classifying them by importance or role.

You have the freedom to create your own tags or use those already available in Sidely, specially adapted to your business sector (CHR, GMS, GSS...).

Data centralization on the interactive map
Nicolas Dechambre from Club maté
"Map visualization is a real asset for Club Maté. It enables us to target key areas, assess distances between sales outlets and optimize the work of sales staff. At a glance,we have an overview of our geographical footprint."

‍NicolasDECHAMBRE, Co-founder, CEO & Business Manager at YM - Club-Mate
Josselin Jézéquel - Sales Manager - Caps Me
"Sidely's map view is a huge advantage for our sales staff. They can plan their rounds easily and simply the day before, without asking any questions. It makes all the difference."

‍JosselinJEZEQUEL, Sales Director, Caps'Me

Enable your sales teams tofind the information they need quickly and easily. Segment your customer data from the interactive map and create dynamic views based on your criteria.

Determine your visit frequencies and create lists based on the status of your stores or their sales performance (late visits, customers with a DN below 50%...). Sidely reminds you of customers who haven't been visited for a long time.

‍Ourlists evolve over time and adapt automatically. As long as your criteria remain unchanged, you don't need to rework your dynamic lists. Of course, they can be customized (by salesperson, by geographic area, catchment area...) and can be shared exclusively with the people concerned. For example, you can create a list called 'My late visits', where each area manager will see information adapted to his or her territory.
Each form is accessible from the mobile and can be modified at any time to suit your needs.

Filter active customer views
Nicolas Dechambre from Club maté
"Sidely's filtered views allow us to cross-reference data from any angle, which saves us precious time."

‍NicolasDECHAMBRE, Co-founder, CEO & Business Manager at YM - Club-Mate

Stop white visits

Maximize the productivity and efficiency of your sales force. Increase both the number of visits and their quality, by contacting the right person at the right time.

Plan your sales visitsen masse using the lasso tool on our interactive map. Sidely lets you create tasks, calls, appointments, visits, sms and emails en masse.

mass-marketing action creation
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Stop white visits

Maximize the productivity and efficiency of your sales force. Increase both the number and quality of visits, by contacting the right person at the right time.
Plan your sales visits en masse using the lasso tool on our interactive map. Sidely lets you create mass tasks, calls, appointments, visits, sms and emails.

mass business creation
Nicolas Dechambre from Club maté
"With Sidely, our sales people gain in productivity and efficiency. They know exactly what to do for each type of point of sale, which increases their autonomy and accelerates their onboarding."

‍NicolasDECHAMBRE, Co-founder, CEO & Business Manager at YM - Club-Mate

Preparing your tour has never been easier!

Sidely's Tour Organizer and Optimizer helps your traveling sales representatives manage their time and priorities more effectively. They have access to two viewing modes: list or map.

Prioritize sales outlets with a single click

From the interactive map, your sales reps can geographically visualize their sales outlets and the geographical area they wish to work in. All they have to do is select a dynamic view or apply criteria.

Each category is represented by a color, making it easy to identify priorities and sales outlets quickly.

Data centralization on the interactive map

Conduct targeted, profitable sales campaigns

Once you've filtered the points of sale, use the lasso to select the ones you want to visit. Create a schedule for your visits, including your criteria: visit time, travel time for each appointment, your working hours, your break time and its duration, your days of activity.... And that's it, your tour is planned.

lasso selection of sales outlets to visit

Optimize your routes in two minutes

Enter your departure and return addresses and your means of transport (car, bike, truck, pedestrian...) and let Sidely guide you. It optimizes your route and suggests the best itinerary, taking into account the specific constraints of your business activity and the requirements of your customers, including the availability of key contacts (such as the floor manager or bartender), store opening hours, geographical location...

Visualization of active stores by checkout evolution

Be flexible on the road

Sidely gives you the flexibility to adjust your appointments according to your needs. Our system recalculates your itinerary according to the new information, guaranteeing constant optimization of your travel and your time.

commercial tour planner

Optimize your routes in two minutes

Enter your departure and return addresses and your means of transport (car, bike, truck, pedestrian...) and let Sidely guide you. It optimizes your route and suggests the best itinerary, taking into account the specific constraints of your business activity and the requirements of your customers, including the availability of key contacts (such as the floor manager or bartender), store opening hours, geographical location...

creating and optimizing sales rounds
Yan Jouet - LBF Key Account Sales Manager
"Route management and optimization are brilliant: you can configure a lot of parameters. Today,for someone new to the business, it's really well designed.

‍YanJOUET, Key Account Sales Manager, LBF - La Brasserie Fondamentale
"Sidely makes my salespeople's work easier by offering them automatic tours. This allows them to organize more efficient tours and spend less time on the road."

‍GaryBARRET, National Sales Director, Chantovent

What our customers say

"Map visualization is a real asset for Club Maté. It enables us to target key areas, evaluate distances between sales outlets and optimize the work of our sales staff. At a glance, we have an overview of our geographical footprint."
Nicolas DECHAMBRE, Co-founder, CEO & Business Manager at YM - Club-Mate
"The interactive map helps my sales reps get organized and find the stores closest to each other. They plan their rounds themselves, which makes them autonomous."
Margaux ESTEVES,
National Sales Manager and Key Account at La mémère
"Sidely makes my salespeople's work easier by offering them automatic tours. This allows them to organize more efficient tours and spend less time on the road."
Chantovent National Sales Manager
"With Sidely, our sales people gain in productivity and efficiency. They know exactly what to do for each type of point of sale, which increases their autonomy and speeds up their onboarding."
Nicolas Dechambre from Club maté
Co-founder, CEO & Business Manager at YM - Club-Mate
"Sidely's map view is a huge advantage for our sales staff. They can plan their rounds easily and simply the day before, with no questions asked. It makes all the difference."
Josselin Jézéquel - Sales Manager - Caps Me
Sales Director, Caps' Me
"Route management and optimization are brilliant: you can configure a lot of parameters. Today, for someone new to the business, it's really well designed."
Yan Jouet - LBF Key Account Sales Manager
Key Account Sales Manager, LBF - La Brasserie Fondamentale
View customer testimonial

Sidely integrates with your business and mobility tools

sidely integrations
Sidely integrates with navigation applications such as Waze, Google Maps or CityMapper, and with your email and calendar applications. Appointments are automatically synchronized with your area managers' calendars, which they can view on mobile and web.

Plan your rounds, integrate your appointments into your calendar, launch your favorite navigation application and let yourself be guided.
logo integrations sidely
Google maps logo
Google Maps
Waze logo
citymapper logo: integration with Sidely
Hubspot logo
brevo logo
Google Cal.
Outlook Cal.

Be flexible on the road

Sidely gives you the flexibility to adjust your appointments according to your needs.
An unforeseen event or a last-minute change? Our system recalculates your itinerary according to the new information, guaranteeing constant optimization of your travel and your time.

commercial tour planner

Discover all our CRM features


Easier administration

data centralization

Data centralization

ground survey

Field survey


Order taking

supermarket promotion

Promotions management

sales management

Sales management

Frequently asked questions about sales route planning

How do you plan sales rounds?

To plan your sales rounds, you need to focus on four crucial points that will maximize the efficiency of your sales force's movements: market segmentation, geographic sectorization, time management for each sales action, and appointment scheduling. To find out more, read our full article on how to help your sales reps plan their sales rounds.

How do you organize a tour?

To organize an effective sales tour, start by defining your sales objectives and targeting the most important customers or high-potential prospects. We recommend analyzing your customer data to identify high-potential areas, and prioritize visits according to customer importance or sales opportunities. Use planning and mapping tools to optimize itineraries and reduce travel time. Set aside time to prepare and follow up each visit. Consider constraints such as customer schedules and the time needed for each appointment. Finally, remain flexible to adjust the tour according to unforeseen or emerging opportunities.

How to optimize a sales tour?

To optimize a sales tour, we recommend the use of a tour or route optimizer. At Sidely, all you have to do is select the points of sale you wish to visit on the map, using our lasso tool. Then enter your travel criteria (address, time, means of transport, length of visit...) and Sidely optimizes your routes for you! To find out more, we invite you to read our article on how to plan an effective sales tour?

What constraints need to be taken into account when planning tours?

When planning sales rounds, a number of constraints need to be taken into account: the distance and travel time between customers, the means of transport and its cost, the opening hours of the sales outlets visited, the times when your contact is available, sales priorities, and the specific needs of each customer. The salesperson's workload capacity must also be taken into account. More specific constraints can also be taken into account, such as the recurrence of certain visits and their type (animation, activation, follow-up...).

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